Become one of our instructors

Help others learn and transform

We're always looking for the industry's best qualified instructors. If you are a charismatic industry specialist, you have the passion to share your expertise and knowledge on-camera or in a class, while you benefit from the visibility we provide, and earn some extra income, please fill out this form and we will reach out to you.

What we are looking for?

Beyond the excellent knowledge of a topic we are looking for the following:

  1. Excellent reputation within the industry.
  2. Excellent presentation & public speaking skills.
  3. C-level executive in a leading organization.

What do we offer?

Our instructors gain the benefit of the following:

  1. Amazing authority in the industry.
  2. Direct promotion in conferences that we sponsor, as our speaker.
  3. Direct promotion in different channels (online and offline).
  4. Access to a premium pool of clients.
  5. Competitive compensation.
  6. Competitive royalties upon leads.

Apply to become a Knowcrunch’s instructor