George Arapogiannis

Managing Director, Human Minds

George finds completely aligned himself with Thomas Jefferson’s saying, “I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.” Amidst the Greek economic turbulence he disembarked a safe and promising career at Ogilvy One in Athens and decided to start an unpredictable journey of doing what he liked. Help companies achieve their goals together with a team of people who carried the same beliefs as he did. This way, Human Minds (Previously Named G&B Marketing) came to reality in 2012 and ever since George has been the driving force and the captain of the company.

George Arapogiannis teaches:

  • graduate-hat-iconMeta business manager
  • graduate-hat-iconMeta advertising tags & events
  • graduate-hat-iconMeta advertising audiences
  • graduate-hat-iconMeta awareness advertising campaigns
  • graduate-hat-iconMeta advertising creatives & Creative Hub
  • graduate-hat-iconMeta engagement advertising campaigns
  • graduate-hat-iconLinkedIn advertising campaigns
  • graduate-hat-iconMeta sales advertising campaigns
  • graduate-hat-iconX (Twitter) advertising campaigns
  • graduate-hat-iconMeta remarketing advertising campaigns
  • graduate-hat-iconTikTok advertising campaigns
  • graduate-hat-iconPinterest advertising campaigns
  • graduate-hat-iconMeta ad manager
  • graduate-hat-iconThe advertising strategy & media plan
  • graduate-hat-iconPlan an advertising campaign for a marketing objective
  • graduate-hat-iconPresent your digital media plan

George Arapogiannis participates in:

Masterclass in Meta Advertising

Masterclass in Digital & Social Media Marketing

Masterclass in Advertising Strategy & Planning

Masterclass in Snapchat Platform & Ad Manager

Masterclass in Reddit Platform & Ad Manager

Masterclass in Pinterest Advertising

Masterclass in Facebook Platform

Masterclass in TikTok Advertising

Masterclass in Digital & Social Media Marketing, September 2024, Thessaloniki

Masterclass in Digital & Social Media Marketing, September 2024, Athens